QSL Bureau Accounting Program Documentation

(For use by the QSL Sorters)

Link to Internal Bureau Procedure Documents

New postage rates are effective 14 July 2024.
 See  Rate Table  with the new July 2024 rates
(Version 4.00 initially loads with old rates)
You will need to manually update your tables.
Click here for a screen shot of the rate table. 

You can download the latest Admin database file that has the current postage rate table.  Copy the Admin database file to the directory where your program is located.


Version 4.00 of the QSL Sort Program is available

The latest version of the program is available.  This version was develoed to add vesitility for other area Bureaus to use the program.  Thanks to K1TTT for all his work in developing this new version!

The Operating Manual includes the installation instructions.   An Access database program (AccessRuntime.exe) will need to be installed.   As of the Spring 2024 this is no longer available from the Microsoft web.  Contact KV1J for a copy.   Be sure to backup you data before you start the installation!! 

The program installation file is available here.



Documentation Revision - 3 August 2017 based on program revision 4.00

Operating Manual V4.00 PDF (1.5 MB)  

Documentation updates will be posted here



Revision History and Known Issues 



Postage Rates as of 14 July 2024 

Notify post cards are on the Documentation web page

Help with 1X1 Calls

Call Sign history - N4MC Unique Call Lookup      www.silentkeyhq.com  then go to "Reseach Hams"


Program Downloads

Revision 4.00 (dated 6 June 2017) software downloads from the K1TTT web site:
Installation Package   (1.3 MB)