How the Bureau Works
The W1 QSL bureau receives DX QSLs from outgoing foreign QSL bureaus. We sort the cards and mail them to hams having a first area callsign.
1. The W1 QSL Bureau sells credits rather than SASEs since they are easier to keep track of and postage rate changes are much less of a hassle. We can use exactly the postage which is needed for your shipment. It is also less expensive for you as no funds are wasted on unnecessary postage. When you send credits, a check payable to W1 QSL BUREAU is fine. Send cash at your own risk. The funds are credited to your account, which is then charged a small service fee and face value for postage used. To get started we suggest you fund your account with $5.00 but you can send any amount.
2. Your account is maintained by, and cards shipped from, an individual letter sorter as determined by the first letter following the "1" in your callsign. Each callsign is a separate account. The individual sorters are spread throughout New England. We pick up mail from the Post Office box daily and distribute sorted cards, credits, inquiries, etc. to the individual sorters 3 times per year.
3. The W1 QSL Bureau sells postage credits. We charge 10 cents plus 10 cents per ounce for each shipment and the face value of the actual postage used. (capped at the first 10 ounces) So a 1 ounce shipment will be 20 cents. A 2 ounce shipment will be 30 cents and so forth and only for the first 10 ounces of large shipments.
There are no profits involved. We are all unpaid volunteers. This charge is made to your account when a shipment is made to you. The small amount made from the shipment fee goes toward the cost of the envelope and defraying the cost of running the bureau. The W1 QSL Bureau also gratefully accepts donations, but these are never required to use the system. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Post Office address given below or by email to
W1 QSL Bureau
P.O. Box 73
Marlborough, MA 01752-0073